Thursday, April 12, 2007

Meeting 4-11-07

First of all, we still need people to help table at World Carnival, selling vegan baked goods and doing trash sorting, so let Mer know if you can help. We will be making a "green clothesline" as our part in the nation-wide "Step it Up" action. Bring your green clothing to any of the baking sites (Co-op, NC25, or WC kitchen) tomorrow. Speaking of baking, if you would like to help, feel free to stop by the Co-op and WC starting at 3:00 and NC25 starting at 4:00.

We also discussed our plans to make a video addressed to the presidential candidates asking what their plan is to cut carbon dioxide emmisions 80% by 2050. We will have as many people as possible all read the same script and then splice the people together so everyone says a word or two. It should be pretty hot! (and cool)

Also, don't forget about the highway cleanup! Sunday at 10:30 at the campus center. Breakfast will be provided.

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